The seventh work..WINGED ON THE RIVER a collaborative and variations to satisfy.
July 19h Marie Gayatri from Sweden is a fellow at this symposium wanted to work with me on a piece. We went up the river to find an area and use some of the stones what are there for our collaboration and left. I returned the next day because I was not satisfied, searching for branches to make it flow. It turned out to look like a jet airplane with the fine end of the branches going up. I return again and change it simplifying. And I came again with Denica Milusheva who said this work is too I made it more fine and moved the heavy stones.
Sculptor/artist has installed works in Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.
Awarded: LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the Museum of Wisconsin Art, 2012 ARTIST OF THE YEAR from the Milwaukee Arts Board, Efroymson Fellowship, Joan Mitchell Foundation award, Wisconsin Arts Board Award, Gottlieb Foundation Award, National Endowment for the arts, Japanese Creative Artist Fellowship, Pollack/Krasner Grant, New York State Council on the Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts
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